National Libraries

National Libraries is a collection of images and websites of the national libraries of over 180 countries in the world. Whenever it is possible, a brief description of a national library and its contact information are provided. If the website of a national library is available, the site's screen is provided with instant link to that web page. Currently, many national libraries do not have web presence, and photos of most of those libraries are also not available after extensive search. In these cases, we provide a dummy map image soliciting contributions from the public who are using this collection.

It is our belief that maps providing relative geographical locations of these countries in a continent are helpful to many. For this reason, we have included a map for each country in "info" when metadata information is requested. We are grateful to CIA and for permitting us to use their maps.

About 25 percent of the world's national libraries are engaging in active digital library and archival activities. These rich digital collections cover all subject areas, time periods, geographical areas, and media formats, and are generally accessible via the Web. Information of these collections are not included under "National Libraries" in Global Memory Net, but can be accessed by going to its World Digital Collection, which includes about 2530 digital collections in the world from over 80 countries.

For now, you can learn about the national libraries in the world by linking to the following project label:

Enter National Libraries - Image