Image Collection
An NSF/International Digital Library Project. Editor in Chief: Ching-chih Chen, Simmons College

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Emperor Collection
8123 results Browse Random
Saigon Memory
606 results Browse Random
Taiwan Memory
1000 results Browse Random
Hu Paintings
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LC's Naxi Manuscripts
1027 results Browse Random
National Libraries
568 results Browse Random
Project Restore
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Tsurumi Collection
259 results Browse Random
World Digital Collection
2557 results Browse Random
Ukraine Folk Art
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LC's Chinese Maps
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LC's Ukiyo_e Collection
284 results Browse Random
LC's Inoh Maps
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Museum of Osijek
988 results Browse Random
Thai Memory
384 results Browse Random
528 results Browse Random
Sanxingdui Civilization
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UNESCO's World Memory
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France - Versailles
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Group Zadar
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World Musical Instruments
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Chinese Minority - The Li
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Shanghai Museum - Bronze & Jade
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Vietnam Museum of Ethnology
1542 results Browse Random
Chinese 56 Ethnic Groups
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316 results Browse Random
Thailand: Historic City of Ayutthaya
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Cambodia: Angkor
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Arab and Islamic Civilizations
1218 results Browse Random
Japan: Kyoto Historical Monuments
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Germany: Cologne Cathedral
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S. Korea: Gyeongju Historical Areas
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Greece: Acropolis
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Greece: Knossos and Crete History
410 results Browse Random
Antique Maps of HKUST
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Jikji Early Printing Museum
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Humen Opium War
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National Museum of Prehistory
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256 images match your selection. Each page shows up to 200 images.
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Memory of the World: Finland: A.E. Nordenskiöld Collection
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Memory of the World: Benin: Colonial Archives
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Memory of the World: Germany: 42-line Gutenberg Bible, Printed on Vellum, and Its Contemporary Documentary Background
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Memory of the World: Ethiopia: Treasures from National Archives and Library Organizations
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Memory of the World: Austria: Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer
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Memory of the World: Australia - The Mabo Case Manuscripts
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Memory of the World: New Zealand - The 1893 Women's Suffrage Petition
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Memory of the World: Mexico: Collection of Mexican Codices
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Memory of the World: Venezuela - Collection of Latin American Photographs of the 19th Century
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Memory of the World: Malaysia: Sejarah Melayu (the Malay Annals)
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Memory of the World: Mexico: Codex Techaloyan from Cuajimalpaz
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Memory of the World: Mauritius: Records of the French Occupation of Mauritius
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Memory of the World: China: Records of the Qing's Grand Secretariat
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Memory of the World: Trinidad and Tobago: The Derek Walcott Collection
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Memory of the World: Republic of Korea: Seungjeongwon Ilgi, the Diaries of the Royal Secretariat
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Memory of the World: Germany: Early Cylinder Recordings of the World's Musical Traditions (1893-1952) in the Berlin Phonogramm - Archiv
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Memory of the World: Russian Federation: Russian Posters of the 2nd half of 19th and 20th Centuries
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Memory of the World: Denmark: The Linne Collection
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Memory of the World: Czech Republic: Chronicle of Council of Constance
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Memory of the World: Uzbekistan: Oriental Miniatures, 14th-17th Centuries
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Memory of the World: Egypt: The Memory of the Suez Canal
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Memory of the World: Russian Federation: The Radzivill Chronicle
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Memory of the World: Bulgaria: Saint Sophia
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Memory of the World: Poland:Warsaw Ghetto Archives (Emanuel Ringelblum Archives)
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Memory of the World: Senegal: Afrique occidentale française, AOF (French West Africa)
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Memory of the World: Armenia: Virtual Matenadaran
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Memory of the World: Republic of Korea: The Hunmin Chongum Manuscript
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Memory of the World: New Zealand - The Treaty of Waitangi
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Memory of the World: Hungary: Kalman Tihanyi’s 1926 Patent Application
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Memory of the World: Trinidad and Tobago: The Eric Williams Collection
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Memory of the World: Norway: The Leprosy Archives of Bergen
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Memory of the World: Russian Federation: Archangel Gospel of 1092
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Memory of the World: Armenia: Mashtots Matenadaran Ancient Manuscripts Collection
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Memory of the World: Norway: Henrik Ibsen : A Doll House
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Memory of the World: Slovakia: Illuminated Codices from the Library of the Bratislava Chapter House
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Memory of the World: Turkey: Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute Manuscripts
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Memory of the World: Belgium: Business Archives of the Officina Plantiniana
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Memory of the World: 100 years of Architecture in Colombia - Photography
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Memory of the World: Tanzania: German Records of the Tanzania National Archives
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Memory of the World: Memoria de Iberoamerica
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Memory of the World: Dar Al-Kutub Manuscripts
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Memory of the World: Austria: The Vienna City Library's Schubert Collection
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Memory of the World: Germany: Metropolis
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Memory of the World: Austria: Vienna Dioscurides
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Memory of the World: Russian Federation: The Historical Collections (1889-1955) of St. Petersburg Phonogram Archives
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Memory of the World: Poland: The Masterpieces of Fryderyk Chopin
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Memory of the World: Czech Republic: Prague's Manuscripts
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Memory of the World: West African Postcards
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Memory of the World: The Literary Estate of Goethe
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Memory of the World: Mexico: Codices from the Oaxaca Valley
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Memory of the World: Russian Federation: Maps of the Russian Empire and its collection of the 18th century
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Memory of the World: Republic of Korea: Baegun hwasang chorok buljo jikji simche yojeol (vol.II), the Second Volume of
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Memory of the World: Australia - The Endeavour Journal of James Cook
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Memory of the World: Turkey: The Hittite Cuneiform Tablets from Bogazköy
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Memory of the World: Russian Federation: Slavonic publications in Cyrillic script of the 15th century
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Memory of the World: Germany: Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony n°9, d-minor, op.125
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Memory of the World: Malaysia: Correspondence of the Late Sultan of Kedah (1882-1943)
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Memory of the World: Venezuela: General Archive of the Nation - Writings of The Liberator Simón Bolívar
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Memory of the World: India: The I.A.S. Tamil Medical Manuscript Collection
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Memory of the World: Pakistan: Jinnah Papers
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Memory of the World: Traditional Music Sound Archives
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Memory of the World: Lithuania: Historical Collections of the Vilnius University Library
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Memory of the World: Poland: Memory of Poland
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Memory of the World: Denmark: Manuscripts and correspondence of Hans Christian Andersen
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Memory of the World: Denmark: Archives of the Danish Overseas Trading Companies
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African-American Sheet Music 1850-1920
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Memory of the World: Uzbekistan: The Collection of the Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies
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Tending the Commons: Folklife and Landscape in Southern West Virginia
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Memory of the World: Czech Republic: Antiphonarium Sedlecense
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Memory of the World: Russian Federation: Newspaper Collections
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Memory of the World: Philippine Paleographs (Hanunoo, Buid, Tagbanua and Pala'wan)
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Memory of the World: Slave Trade Archives Project Online
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Memory of the World: Russian Federation - The Historical Collections (1889-1955) of St. Petersburg Phonogram Archives
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Memory of the World: South Africa: The Bleek Collection
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Memory of the World: Russian Federation: Khitrovo Gospel
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Memory of the World: Republic of Korea: The Annals of the Choson Dynasty
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Memory of the World: Germany - Illuminated manuscripts from the Ottonian Period Produced in the Monastery of Reichenau (Lake Constance)
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Memory of the World: Uzbekistan: Holy Koran Mushaf of Othman
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Memory of the World: Turkey - The Works of Ibn Sina in the Süleymaniye Manuscript Library
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Memory of the World: Poland: Nicolaus Copernicus' Masterpiece, De revolutionibus libri sex
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Memory of the World: Hungary - The Bibliotheca Corviniana Collection
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Memory of the World: Austria - The Historical Collections (1899 -1950) of the Vienna Phonogrammarchiv
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USDA Economics and Statistics System
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Memory of the World: Austria: The Historical Collections (1899-1950) of the Vienna Phonogrammarchiv
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Memory of the World: Republic of Korea - Baegun Hwasang Chorok Buljoikji Simche Yojeol (vol.II) - The Second Volume of Anthology of Great Buddhist Priests' Zen Teachings
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Memory of the World: Austria - The Atlas Blaeu - Van der Hem of the Austrian National Library
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Memory of the World: Sweden - Emanuel Swedenborg Collection
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Memory of the World: Documentary heritage of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata
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Memory of the World: Chile - Human Rights Archive of Chile
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Memory of the World: Poland - Warsaw Ghetto Archives (Emanuel Ringelblum Archives)
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Street and Smith Dime Collection
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Memory of the World: Austria - The Vienna City Library Schubert Collection
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Memory of the World: Latvia: Dainu skapis - Cabinet of Folksongs
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Memory of the World: Germany - 42-line Gutenberg Bible and Its Contemporary Documentary Background
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Memory of the World: Bogaziçi University: Kandilli Observatory & Earthquake Research Institute: Catalogue of Astronomical, Astrological and Mathematical Manuscripts
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Memory of the World: Poland - Nicolaus Copernicus' Masterpiece - De Revolutionibus Libri Sex
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Memory of the World: Malaysia: Hikayat Hang Tuah
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Memory of the World: United Kingdom - The Battle of the Somme
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Memory of the World: Slovakia: Basagic’s Collection of Islamic Manuscripts in the University Library of Bratislava
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Memory of the World: Latvia - Dainu Skapis - Cabinet of Folksongs
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Memory of the World: Philippines - Radio Broadcast of the Philippine People Power Revolution
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Memory of the World: Poland - The General Confederation of Warsaw
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Memory of the World: The Sana'a manuscripts
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Memory of the World: Germany - Metropolis
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Memory of the World: Lebanon - The Phoenician Alphabet
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Memory of the World: Brazil - The Emperor's Collection - Foreign and Brazilian Photography in the XIX Century
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Memory of the World: Kazakhstan - Collection of the Manuscripts of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi
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Memory of the World: Sweden - Astrid Lindgren Archives
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Poet at Work: Walt Whitman Notebooks 1850s -1860s
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Memory of the World: Germany - Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 9, D minor, OP. 125
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Traveling Culture: Circuit Chautauqua in the Twentieth Century
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Prior and Norris Troupe Photographs
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Illinois Wesleyan University, Illinios Historical Society: Digital Collections and Exhibits
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Memory of the World: Project for the Preservation of Bedrich Smetana's and Antonin Dvorák's Manuscripts
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Memory of the World: Trinidad and Tobago - The Eric Williams Collection
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Memory of the World: Malaysia - Correspondence of the Late Sultan of Kedah (1882-1943)
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Memory of the World: Turkey - Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute Manuscripts
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Memory of the World: Denmark - Archives of the Danish Overseas Trading Companies
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Memory of the World: Russian Federation - Slavonic Publications in Cyrillic Script of the 15th Century
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Memory of the World: Venezuela - Collection of Latinamerican Photographies of the 19th Century
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Memory of the World: Republic of Korea - Seungjeongwon Ilgi, the Diaries of the Royal Secretariat
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Memory of the World: Tajikistan - The Manuscript of Ubayd Zakoni's
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U.S. Steel Gary Works Photograph Collection, 1905-1971
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A Century of Progress: The 1933-1934 World's Fair
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Memory of the World: Russian Federation: Memory of Russia
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Memory of the World: China - Records of the Qing's Grand Secretariat - Infiltration of Western Culture in China
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About the Galloway - Stone Collection
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Memory of the World: Uzbekistan - The Collection of the Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies
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Early Comic Strips 1898-1916
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Memory of the World: Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts of the National Library of the Czech Republic
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Comic Book Cultures
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Memory of the World: Barbados - Documentary Heritage of Enslaved Peoples of the Caribbean
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Memory of the World: Argentina - Documentary Heritage of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata
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Memory of the World: China - Traditional Music Sound Archives
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Memory of the World: Denmark - The Søren Kierkegaard Archives
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Memory of the World: Austria - Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer
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Plants of Western Washington
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Memory of the World: Norway - The Leprosy Archives of Bergen
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Memory of the World: Egypt - Deeds of Sultans and Princes
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War Poster Collection
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Memory of the World: Slovakia - Basagic Collection of Islamic Manuscripts
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William Delbert Barkhuff Image Collection
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Memory of the World: Malaysia - Sejarah Melayu (The Malay Annals)
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Memory of the World: Austria - Collection of Gothic Architectural Drawings
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Memory of the World: Tanzania - German Records of the National Archives
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Social Issues Photographs
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Memory of the World: Italy - The Malatesta Novello Library
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The South Texas Border, 1900-1920: Photographs from the Robert Runyon Collection
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Paintings of India
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World Heritage Center Sites
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Memory of the World: Albania - Codex Purpureus Beratinus (Nomination)
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Memory of the World: Poland - The Masterpieces of Fryderyk Chopin
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Memory of the World: Republic of Korea - The Hunmin Chongum Manuscript
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Old geographical maps from the NLE Cartography Collection
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Memory of the World: Slovakia - Illuminated Codices from the Library of the Bratislava Chapter House
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Memory of the World: Colombia - Negros y Esclavos Archives
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UBC Library Digital Resources
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Memory of the World: Denmark - The Linné Collection
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Memory of the World: Uzbekistan - Holy Koran Mushaf of Othman
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The World of Xuanzang and the Silk Road
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Photographs from the J. Warren Perry Collection, Curated by John Bewley
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Lincoln Park Neighborhood Collection
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Memory of the World: Malaysia - Hikayat Hang Tuah
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Memory of the World: Serbia and Montenegro - Miroslav Gospel - Manuscript from 1180
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The Papers of Thomas Reid (1710-1796) known as the Birkwood Collection.
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Memory of the World: Luxembourg - Family of Man
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World Civilizations
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Memory of the World: Thailand - The King Ram Khamhaeng Inscription
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Memory of the World: Mexico - Codices from the Oaxaca Valley
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A Fruitful Heritage: Images of the Missouri State Fruit Experiment Station
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Karl Bodmer Aquatint
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Taking the Long View: Panoramic Photographs, 1851-1991
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Ketubbot Database
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The Edison Papers
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Memory of the World: Mexico - Codex Techaloyan de Cuajimalpaz
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Memory of the World: Austria: Final Document of the Congress of Vienna
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Puerto Rico at the Dawn of the Modern Age
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Early Virginia Religious Petitions
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Memory of the World: Norway - Henrik Ibsen: A Doll's House
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Memory of the World: Slovakia - Mining maps and Plans of the Main Chamber - Count Office in Banská Štiavnica
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The Tulane Carnival Collection
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Memory of the World: Tanzania - Collection of Arabic Manuscripts and Books
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Langley Cenntenial Museum, Search our Collection
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Taiwan Study - Government Publications
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Memory of the World: India - Saiva Manuscript in Pondicherry
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Memory of the World: Armenia - Mashtots Matenadaran Ancient Manuscripts Collection
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Memory of the World: India - The I.A.S. Tamil Medical Manuscript Collection
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Memory of the World: Venezuela - General Archive of the Nation - Writings of The Liberator Simón Bolívar
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Canadian Illustrated News
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Touring Turn-of-the-Century America: Photographs from the Detroit Publishing Company, 1880 - 1920
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Memory of the World: Mauritius - Records of the French Occupation of Mauritius
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Creative Americans: Portraits by Carl Van Vechten, 1932-1964
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Memory of the World: Austria - Brahms Collection
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Collections: Kaleidoscope
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Old city maps from the NLE Cartography Collection
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Memory of the World: New Zealand - The Treaty of Waitangi
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Memory of the World: Pakistan - Jinnah Papers
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Memory of the World: Austria - Vienna Dioscurides
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USDA Promological Watercolor Collection
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