Image Collection
An NSF/International Digital Library Project. Editor in Chief: Ching-chih Chen, Simmons College

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Emperor Collection
8123 results Browse Random
Saigon Memory
606 results Browse Random
Taiwan Memory
1000 results Browse Random
Hu Paintings
83 results Browse Random
LC's Naxi Manuscripts
1027 results Browse Random
National Libraries
568 results Browse Random
Project Restore
460 results Browse Random
Tsurumi Collection
259 results Browse Random
World Digital Collection
2557 results Browse Random
Ukraine Folk Art
965 results Browse Random
LC's Chinese Maps
161 results Browse Random
LC's Ukiyo_e Collection
284 results Browse Random
LC's Inoh Maps
414 results Browse Random
Museum of Osijek
988 results Browse Random
Thai Memory
384 results Browse Random
528 results Browse Random
Sanxingdui Civilization
1122 results Browse Random
UNESCO's World Memory
568 results Browse Random
France - Versailles
316 results Browse Random
Group Zadar
100 results Browse Random
World Musical Instruments
906 results Browse Random
Chinese Minority - The Li
820 results Browse Random
Shanghai Museum - Bronze & Jade
365 results Browse Random
Vietnam Museum of Ethnology
1542 results Browse Random
Chinese 56 Ethnic Groups
1100 results Browse Random
316 results Browse Random
Thailand: Historic City of Ayutthaya
699 results Browse Random
Cambodia: Angkor
494 results Browse Random
Arab and Islamic Civilizations
1218 results Browse Random
Japan: Kyoto Historical Monuments
244 results Browse Random
Germany: Cologne Cathedral
317 results Browse Random
S. Korea: Gyeongju Historical Areas
429 results Browse Random
Greece: Acropolis
134 results Browse Random
Greece: Knossos and Crete History
410 results Browse Random
Antique Maps of HKUST
181 results Browse Random
Jikji Early Printing Museum
536 results Browse Random
Humen Opium War
632 results Browse Random
National Museum of Prehistory
278 results Browse Random
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2557 images match your selection. Each page shows up to 200 images.
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Portraits of Modern Japanese Historical Figures
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Mochizuki Bunko
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Full-text Database System for the Minutes of the Diet
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Eyes to Nature - Natural History in East and West: Edo
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Waseda University Library: Rare and Antique Books
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University of Tsutkuba: Rare Books
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University of Tsutkuba: Exhibition Room
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Memory of the World: Kazakhstan - Collection of the Manuscripts of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi
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The First Kazakh Newspapers in Arabic alphabet
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Memory of the World: Kazakhstan - Audiovisual Documents of the International Anti-Nuclear Movement - Nevada-Semipalatinsk
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Macau Virtual Library
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Memory of the World: Malaysia - Hikayat Hang Tuah
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Memory of the World: Malaysia - Correspondence of the Late Sultan of Kedah (1882-1943)
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Memory of the World: Malaysia - Sejarah Melayu (The Malay Annals)
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Memory of the World: Malaysia: Correspondence of the Late Sultan of Kedah (1882-1943)
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Universiti Utara Malaysia: Koleski Digital
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International Islamic Digital Library
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Memory of the World: Malaysia: Sejarah Melayu (the Malay Annals)
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Memory of the World: Malaysia: Hikayat Hang Tuah
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Community Radio Project - Mongolia
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Online Burma/Myanmar Library: Classified and annotated links to more than 5000 full text documents on Burma/Myanmar
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Memory of the World: Pakistan - Jinnah Papers
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Memory of the World: Pakistan: Jinnah Papers
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Memory of the World: Philippines - Radio Broadcast of the Philippine People Power Revolution
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Memory of the World: Philippines - Philippine Paleographs (Hanunoo, Buid, Tagbanua and Pala’wan)
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Memory of the World: Philippine Paleographs (Hanunoo, Buid, Tagbanua and Pala'wan)
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Filipinas Heritage Library
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The Alcove Online Photo Gallery
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Memory of the World: Republic of Korea - Seungjeongwon Ilgi, the Diaries of the Royal Secretariat
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Memory of the World: Republic of Korea - The Annals of the Choson Dynasty
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Memory of the World: Republic of Korea - Baegun Hwasang Chorok Buljoikji Simche Yojeol (vol.II) - The Second Volume of Anthology of Great Buddhist Priests' Zen Teachings
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Memory of the World: Republic of Korea - The Hunmin Chongum Manuscript
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E-Library Hub
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Memory of the World: Baegun hwasang chorok buljo jikji simche yojeol
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Memory of the World: Republic of Korea: The Hunmin Chongum Manuscript
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Memory of the World: Republic of Korea: Seungjeongwon Ilgi, the Diaries of the Royal Secretariat
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Memory of the World: Republic of Korea: Baegun hwasang chorok buljo jikji simche yojeol (vol.II), the Second Volume of
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Cyber Galleries
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Memory of the World: Republic of Korea: The Annals of the Choson Dynasty
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Digital101- People
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Digital101- Sea
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The Fish Database of Taiwan
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Digital101- Implement
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Digital101- Insect
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Taiwan Historica Digitalization Project
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Butterflies Digital Museum
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Taiwan Memory - Pictures
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Taiwanese Memory - Digital Photo Museum
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National Palace Museum - Digital Museum - The Spirit of Jade
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National Palace Museum - Digital Museum - The Legend of Ju Ware
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National Palace Museum - Digital Museum
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Taiwan Memory - Printed Materials
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Digital Museum of Discovery of Tamsui River
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Taiwan Study - Government Statistics
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National Palace Museum - Digital Museum - Painting and Calligraphy of the Northern Sung (960-1127)
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Taiwan Memory
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National Digital Archives Project
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The Age of the Great Khan: Painting and Calligraphy in the Mongol Yuan Dynasty
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Taiwan Memory - Historical Materials
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National Taiwan University Herbarium Digital Archives Project
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The World of Xuanzang and the Silk Road
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National Taiwan University Digital Taiwan-Related Archives Project
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Digital Museum of Physical Therapy
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Taiwan Study - Government Publications
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Taiwan Study - Local Geneology
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Taiwan Study - Taiwan Local Materials
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Taiwan Study
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Taiwan Memory - Special Collections
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Taiwan Memory - People and Events
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Digital Museum of Zoology
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Digital Archives Project of Chinese Antiquities at the National Palace Museum
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National Palace Museum - Cultural Artifacts Digital Archives
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Database of Native Plants in Taiwan
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The Tomb of the King of Shang
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Villages - The Ethnic Groups in Southwest China
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Archive of Modern Continental Philosophy
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National Central Library: Rare Book Database
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Bugs: Digitalized Insect Museum
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Collection of Local Documents
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Application Service Project
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Digital Archives project of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy at the Palace Museum
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Convergence of Radiance
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The Taiwan Malacofauna Database
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The Fashionable vs. The Antiquarian: New Styles and Archaic Forms in Jade During the Ching Dynasty
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The Digital Archives of Formosan Aborigines
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National Palace Museum Cultural Artifacts Digital Archives
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PerioPath: Index to Chinese Periodical Literature
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The Beauty of Chun Ware
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National Museum of History Digital Collections
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National Palace Museum Computer Application System for Digital Archives
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Special Exhibition of the Shang Period Ritual Bronzes
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The Digitized Collection of Rare Books In the National Palace Museum
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Fu Ssu-Nien Library Collection Highlights
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Collections of Rubbings and Ancient Literature
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Digital Museum of Textile and Clothing
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National Palace Museum Collection Items Digital File Database
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Insect Museum Digital Archives Project
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Anthropology Database
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The Digitization of Ch'ing Archives at the Palace Museum
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Treasured Paintings and Calligraphy
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Memory of the World: Tajikistan - The Manuscript of Ubayd Zakoni's
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Memory of the World: Thailand - The King Ram Khamhaeng Inscription
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Electronic Resources on Art in Thailand
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Chulalongkorn University: Digital Library
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KHMUTT Digital Library
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Art Image Database
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Digital Library/School Net
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Mahasarakham University: Digital Collections
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Mahasarakham University: Digital Library
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Memory of the World: Turkey - Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute Manuscripts
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Memory of the World: Turkey - The Hittite Cuneiform Tablets from Bogazköy
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Memory of the World: Turkey - The Works of Ibn Sina in the Süleymaniye Manuscript Library
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TED Ankara University: Online Libraries
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Memory of the World: Turkey: The Hittite Cuneiform Tablets from Bogazköy
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Memory of the World: Bogaziçi University: Kandilli Observatory & Earthquake Research Institute: Catalogue of Astronomical, Astrological and Mathematical Manuscripts
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Memory of the World: Turkey: Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute Manuscripts
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Art History Slide Collection
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Memory of the World: Uzbekistan - The Collection of the Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies
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Memory of the World: Uzbekistan - Holy Koran Mushaf of Othman
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Memory of the World: Uzbekistan: The Collection of the Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies
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Memory of the World: Uzbekistan: Oriental Miniatures, 14th-17th Centuries
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Memory of the World: Uzbekistan: Holy Koran Mushaf of Othman
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Vietnamese Traditional Music
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Virtual Empire: Stereo Photography in Britain and Austrailia 1851-1879
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Robert Hunt Pioneer Sydney Photographer
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Macleay Museum, University of Sydney Historical Photographic Collection
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Memory of the World: Barbados - Documentary Heritage of Enslaved Peoples of the Caribbean
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Memory of the World: Trinidad and Tobago - The Eric Williams Collection
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Memory of the World: Trinidad and Tobago - The C.L.R. James Collection
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Memory of the World: Trinidad and Tobago - The Derek Walcott Collection
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Memory of the World: Cuba - “José Martí Pérez” Fonds
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Electronic Resource Library for Belize
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Biblioteca Nacional de Cuba: Digital Library
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Online Catalogue of Jamaican Records
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Instituto de Innovacao Educacional: Biblioteca Digital
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Colonial Bank Correspondence (1837-1885)
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Sir Learie Constantine
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Trinidad and Tobago Digital Library
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Sir William Young Diaries
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Land/Slave Deeds
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Memory of the World: Trinidad and Tobago: The Eric Williams Collection
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Memory of the World: Trinidad and Tobago: The Derek Walcott Collection
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University of El Salvador Library Special Collections
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Universidad de El Salvador: Biblioteca Digital
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Biblioteca Digital Panamena
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Web Gallery of Art
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Memory of the World: Sweden - Astrid Lindgren Archives
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Memory of the World: Albania - Codex Purpureus Beratinus (Nomination)
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Memory of the World: Armenia - Mashtots Matenadaran Ancient Manuscripts Collection
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Memory of the World: Austria - Collection of Gothic Architectural Drawings
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Memory of the World: Austria - Final document of the Congress of Vienna
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Memory of the World: Austria - Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer
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Memory of the World: Austria - The Atlas Blaeu - Van der Hem of the Austrian National Library
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Memory of the World: Austria - The Historical Collections (1899 -1950) of the Vienna Phonogrammarchiv
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Memory of the World: Austria - The Vienna City Library Schubert Collection
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Memory of the World: Austria - Vienna Dioscurides
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Memory of the World: Austria - Brahms Collection
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ALO Austrian Literature Online
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Bilddatenbank: Filmplakate der Osterreichischen Nationalbibliothek: 1910 - 1955
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Memory of the World: Austria: Final Document of the Congress of Vienna
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Memory of the World: Austria: The Historical Collections (1899-1950) of the Vienna Phonogrammarchiv
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Memory of the World: Austria: Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer
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Women in Motion
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Memory of the World: Austria: Vienna Dioscurides
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Memory of the World: Austria: The Vienna City Library's Schubert Collection
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Digital Heritage in Austria
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Memory of the World: Belgium - Business Archives of the Officina Plantaniana
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Digital Library [of 16th and 17th century books of Antwerp]
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Memory of the World: Belgium: Business Archives of the Officina Plantiniana
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De Koninklijke Bibliotheek van Belgie: Collections Speciales - Estampes
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De Koninklijke Bibliotheek van Belgie: Collections Speciales - Chalcographie
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Maps of the Americas in the collections of the Royal Library of Belgium
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De Koninklijke Bibliotheek van Belgie: Collections Speciales
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De Koninklijke Bibliotheek van Belgie: Collections Speciales - Manuscrits
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De Koninklijke Bibliotheek van Belgie: Collections Speciales - Cartes et Plans
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De Koninklijke Bibliotheek van Belgie: Collections Speciales - Medailles
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De Koninklijke Bibliotheek van Belgie: Collections Speciales - Musique
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Lighthouse Human Rights Instrument Database
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Early Printed Collections in the Central Library 1806-1878 (in Bulgarian)
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Memory of the World: Bulgaria: Saint Sophia
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(A digital collection of ancient religious texts and artifacts)
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Memory of the World: Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts of the National Library of the Czech Republic
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Memory of the World: Project for the Preservation of Bedrich Smetana's and Antonin Dvorák's Manuscripts
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Memoriae Mundi Series Bohemica
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Memoria Project
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Memory of the World: Czech Republic: Antiphonarium Sedlecense
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Memory of the World: Czech Republic: Chronicle of Council of Constance
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Memory of the World: India: Arabic and Persian Manuscripts and Miniature Paintings of Mughal, Central Asian & Iranian Schools
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Memory of the World: Czech Republic: Prague's Manuscripts
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System Kramierius
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Memory of the World: Denmark - The Søren Kierkegaard Archives
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Memory of the World: Denmark - The Linné Collection
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Memory of the World: Denmark - Archives of the Danish Overseas Trading Companies
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ELEKTRA - e-manuscripts
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Flora Danica Online
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e-pictorial Works
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Denmark's Electronic Research Library
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