Image Collection
An NSF/International Digital Library Project. Editor in Chief: Ching-chih Chen, Simmons College

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Emperor Collection
8123 results Browse Random
Saigon Memory
606 results Browse Random
Taiwan Memory
1000 results Browse Random
Hu Paintings
83 results Browse Random
LC's Naxi Manuscripts
1027 results Browse Random
National Libraries
568 results Browse Random
Project Restore
460 results Browse Random
Tsurumi Collection
259 results Browse Random
World Digital Collection
2557 results Browse Random
Ukraine Folk Art
965 results Browse Random
LC's Chinese Maps
161 results Browse Random
LC's Ukiyo_e Collection
284 results Browse Random
LC's Inoh Maps
414 results Browse Random
Museum of Osijek
988 results Browse Random
Thai Memory
384 results Browse Random
528 results Browse Random
Sanxingdui Civilization
1122 results Browse Random
UNESCO's World Memory
568 results Browse Random
France - Versailles
316 results Browse Random
Group Zadar
100 results Browse Random
World Musical Instruments
906 results Browse Random
Chinese Minority - The Li
820 results Browse Random
Shanghai Museum - Bronze & Jade
365 results Browse Random
Vietnam Museum of Ethnology
1542 results Browse Random
Chinese 56 Ethnic Groups
1100 results Browse Random
316 results Browse Random
Thailand: Historic City of Ayutthaya
699 results Browse Random
Cambodia: Angkor
494 results Browse Random
Arab and Islamic Civilizations
1218 results Browse Random
Japan: Kyoto Historical Monuments
244 results Browse Random
Germany: Cologne Cathedral
317 results Browse Random
S. Korea: Gyeongju Historical Areas
429 results Browse Random
Greece: Acropolis
134 results Browse Random
Greece: Knossos and Crete History
410 results Browse Random
Antique Maps of HKUST
181 results Browse Random
Jikji Early Printing Museum
536 results Browse Random
Humen Opium War
632 results Browse Random
National Museum of Prehistory
278 results Browse Random
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92 images match your selection. Each page shows up to 200 images.
Newspaper Pictorials: World War I Rotogravures, 1914-1919
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Taking the Long View: Panoramic Photographs, 1851-1991
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Architecture and Interior Design for 20th Century America
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The South Texas Border, 1900-1920: Photographs from the Robert Runyon Collection
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Japanese American Relocation Digital Archives
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Memory of the World: Poland - The General Confederation of Warsaw
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Memory of the World: Australia - The Endeavour Journal of James Cook
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Memory of the World: Germany - 42-line Gutenberg Bible and Its Contemporary Documentary Background
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The Scotsman Digital Archive
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Memory of the World: India - Saiva Manuscript in Pondicherry
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Ketubbot Database
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World Civilizations
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Memory of the World: Germany - Early Cylinder Recordings of the World's Musical Traditions (1893-1952) in the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv
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Memory of the World: Finland - The A.E. Nordenskiöld Collection
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1492: An Ongoing Voyage
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Memory of the World: France - Introduction of the Decimal Metric Syste ( 1790-1837)
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Memory of the World: Egypt - The Memory of the Suez Canal
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Memory of the World: Austria - The Historical Collections (1899 -1950) of the Vienna Phonogrammarchiv
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Centralia Massacre Collection
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Memory of the World: Russian Federation - The Historical Collections (1889-1955) of St. Petersburg Phonogram Archives
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Memory of the World: Austria - Brahms Collection
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Memory of the World: Tajikistan - The Manuscript of Ubayd Zakoni's
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Memory of the World: Luxembourg - Family of Man
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Memory of the World: Germany - Metropolis
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Memory of the World: Austria - Collection of Gothic Architectural Drawings
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World War II Military Situation Maps
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Memory of the World: Republic of Korea - Seungjeongwon Ilgi, the Diaries of the Royal Secretariat
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Memory of the World: Latvia - Dainu Skapis - Cabinet of Folksongs
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Memory of the World: Philippines - Radio Broadcast of the Philippine People Power Revolution
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Memory of the World: Denmark - Archives of the Danish Overseas Trading Companies
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The Brooks-Queen Family Collection
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Memory of the World: Pakistan - Jinnah Papers
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Memory of the World: Chile - Human Rights Archive of Chile
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Memory of the World: Malaysia - Hikayat Hang Tuah
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Memory of the World: Uzbekistan - Holy Koran Mushaf of Othman
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America from the Great Depression to World War II: Photographs from the FSA-OWI, 1935-1945
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When They Were Young: A Photographic Retrospective of Childhood
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Memory of the World: Australia - The Mabo Case Manuscripts
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Memory of the World: Slovakia - Illuminated Codices from the Library of the Bratislava Chapter House
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Kinematic Models for Design Digital Library
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Memory of the World: New Zealand - The Treaty of Waitangi
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Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection
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George Washington Papers at the Library of Congress: 1741-1799
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Memory of the World: Hungary - The Bibliotheca Corviniana Collection
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Memory of the World: Austria - The Vienna City Library Schubert Collection
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Memory of the World: Brazil - The Emperor's Collection - Foreign and Brazilian Photography in the XIX Century
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Memory of the World: Thailand - The King Ram Khamhaeng Inscription
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Memory of the World: New Zealand - The 1893 Women's Suffrage Petition
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Memory of the World: Republic of Korea - The Hunmin Chongum Manuscript
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Memory of the World: Egypt - Deeds of Sultans and Princes
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I on Infrastructure
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Memory of the World: Sweden - Emanuel Swedenborg Collection
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Memory of the World: Mexico - Codex Techaloyan de Cuajimalpaz
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Bologna Science Classics Online
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Images d'un Siecle: Autour du Monde - 19th Century
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Treasures in the Royal Library
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World Heritage Center Sites
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Memory of the World: Slovakia - Mining maps and Plans of the Main Chamber - Count Office in Banská Štiavnica
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The Wilfred Owen Multimedia Digital Archive
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Memory of the World: New Zealand - The Treaty of Waitangi
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Memory of the World: Russian Federation - Russian Posters of the End of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries
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Memory of the World: Austria - The Atlas Blaeu - Van der Hem of the Austrian National Library
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Memory of the World: Poland - The Masterpieces of Fryderyk Chopin
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Anciet Near East and the Mediterranean World
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Clyde Edward Pangborn Collection
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Theodore Roosevelt: His Life and Times on Film
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Memory of the World: Germany - Illuminated manuscripts from the Ottonian Period Produced in the Monastery of Reichenau (Lake Constance)
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Memory of the World: Italy - The Malatesta Novello Library
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Memory of the World: Austria: The Vienna City Library's Schubert Collection
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Artefacts Canada
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Memory of the World: Turkey - The Works of Ibn Sina in the Süleymaniye Manuscript Library
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The Holsinger Studio Collection
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Memory of the World: Malaysia - Sejarah Melayu (The Malay Annals)
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Memory of the World: Barbados - Documentary Heritage of Enslaved Peoples of the Caribbean
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Memory of the World: Denmark - The Linné Collection
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Memory of the World: Russian Federation - Slavonic Publications in Cyrillic Script of the 15th Century
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Memory of the World: The Sana'a manuscripts
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September 11, 2001, Documentary Project
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Memory of the World: United Kingdom - The Battle of the Somme
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The International Poster Collection
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Project Gutenberg
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Memory of the World: Venezuela - Collection of Latinamerican Photographies of the 19th Century
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Isaac Asimov Collection
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Memory of the World: Sweden - Astrid Lindgren Archives
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McGill University: Digital Collections Program
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Images d'un Siecle: Autour du Monde - 16th Century
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Memory of the World: Colombia - Negros y Esclavos Archives
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Charles Munroe Papers
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Photographs from the Chicago Daily News
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Images d'un Siecle: Autour du Monde - 18th Century
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The United States and Brazil: Expanding Frontiers, Comparing Cultures
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Memory of the World: Republic of Korea: Seungjeongwon Ilgi, the Diaries of the Royal Secretariat
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