Image Collection
An NSF/International Digital Library Project. Editor in Chief: Ching-chih Chen, Simmons College

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Emperor Collection
8123 results Browse Random
Saigon Memory
606 results Browse Random
Taiwan Memory
1000 results Browse Random
Hu Paintings
83 results Browse Random
LC's Naxi Manuscripts
1027 results Browse Random
National Libraries
568 results Browse Random
Project Restore
460 results Browse Random
Tsurumi Collection
259 results Browse Random
World Digital Collection
2557 results Browse Random
Ukraine Folk Art
965 results Browse Random
LC's Chinese Maps
161 results Browse Random
LC's Ukiyo_e Collection
284 results Browse Random
LC's Inoh Maps
414 results Browse Random
Museum of Osijek
988 results Browse Random
Thai Memory
384 results Browse Random
528 results Browse Random
Sanxingdui Civilization
1122 results Browse Random
UNESCO's World Memory
568 results Browse Random
France - Versailles
316 results Browse Random
Group Zadar
100 results Browse Random
World Musical Instruments
906 results Browse Random
Chinese Minority - The Li
820 results Browse Random
Shanghai Museum - Bronze & Jade
365 results Browse Random
Vietnam Museum of Ethnology
1542 results Browse Random
Chinese 56 Ethnic Groups
1100 results Browse Random
316 results Browse Random
Thailand: Historic City of Ayutthaya
699 results Browse Random
Cambodia: Angkor
494 results Browse Random
Arab and Islamic Civilizations
1218 results Browse Random
Japan: Kyoto Historical Monuments
244 results Browse Random
Germany: Cologne Cathedral
317 results Browse Random
S. Korea: Gyeongju Historical Areas
429 results Browse Random
Greece: Acropolis
134 results Browse Random
Greece: Knossos and Crete History
410 results Browse Random
Antique Maps of HKUST
181 results Browse Random
Jikji Early Printing Museum
536 results Browse Random
Humen Opium War
632 results Browse Random
National Museum of Prehistory
278 results Browse Random
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40 images match your selection. Each page shows up to 200 images.
National Taiwan University Digital Taiwan-Related Archives Project
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The East Asian Collection
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Ohio Memory And Online Scrapbook of Ohio History
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China-U.S. Million Book Digital Library Project
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The Digitization of Ch'ing Archives at the Palace Museum
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West Vancouver Museum Digital Collection
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Digital Archives Project of Chinese Antiquities at the National Palace Museum
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Newspapers in the Abraham Lincoln Collection
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National Palace Museum Collection Items Digital File Database
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Depicting Devotion: Illuminated Books of Hours from the Middle Ages
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University of Washington Digital Collection
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A Time to Live: The Life and Writings of Erich Maria Remarque
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National Gallery of Canada
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The Digitized Collection of Rare Books In the National Palace Museum
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Visual Index to the Virtual Archive
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Digital Archives project of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy at the Palace Museum
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National Palace Museum Computer Application System for Digital Archives
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National Library of China: Digital Libraries
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Steam & Electric Locomotives of the New Haven Railroad Digital Collection
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Bibliopolis: History of the Printed Book in the Netherlands
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The Virtual Motor City: Images from the Detroit News
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IEEE Computer Society Digital Library
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Memory of the World: Latvia - Dainu Skapis - Cabinet of Folksongs
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Herblock's Gift
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Digital Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts
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Florida Folklife from the WPA Collections, 1937-1942
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Digital Mathematics Archive
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Manuscript and Engravings
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Memory of the World: Germany - Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 9, D minor, OP. 125
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Milwakee Repertory Theater Photographic History Mark Avery Collection 1977-1994
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National Palace Museum - Digital Museum
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Peace Agreements Digital Collection
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Historical Voices
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Memory of the World: Philippines - Radio Broadcast of the Philippine People Power Revolution
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Cervantes Virtual Biblioteca
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The Cuban Rafter Phenomenon
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Exploration and Settlement
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Visual Database of Modern Japanese Graphical Design
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National Library of Colombia: Digital Library
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League of Nations: Statistical and Disarmament Documents
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